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overall is good

by RA*****

It's good for me and easy to undrestand

by EL*****

yes, it's quite suitable, not too difficult and easy to understand, but the video in the beeligua application doesn't have sound

by MA*****


by AL*****

completely understand.

by SA*****

i think in this course make me more improvment in english skill so i have a basic english more better than yesterday

by CR*****

i think in this course make me more improvment in english skill so i have a basic english more better than yesterday

by CR*****

Good watch

by MU*****

Tell us about your own personal experience taking this course. Was it a good match for you?.

by CI*****

Yes, this course can increase my knowledge

by VE*****


by HA*****


by TR*****


by SI*****


by ME*****


by JO*****

this course is very helpful for beginners learning

by DA*****

The last subject is very difficult for me

by KA*****

Yes it is. My personal experience of this course make me understand about the question and answer that i have to fill and also about the combination of question and answer.

by MA*****

With this course, it can help me understand material that i never studied before and increase my knowledge

by TE*****

suits me

by MU*****


by CA*****


by KH*****

really good!

by AN*****

amazing! it was a good match for me

by AS*****

Yes, of course

by LA*****


by IB*****


by AD*****


by WI*****

Sangat baik

by RA*****

its understandable , love kt, keep improving

by BI*****


by FL*****

Yes It Is Very Suitable For Me Beginners In English. By Taking This Course I Can Improve My Knowledge In English.

by *****


by JU*****

I get a new experience to learn inglish

by RA*****

This course really useful.

by CL*****

it's good.

by CR*****

My own personal about experience taking this course is very suitable for me, where I can learn the basics in English.

by MA*****

its fun to learn with ms.Rifa.

by GA*****

Good, what I expected

by GR*****

I think this can make my english better

by NO*****


by GI*****


by YA*****

by GL*****


by GI*****


by GI*****

Yes of course

by WI*****

yea, kinda

by MA*****

yes this is very good, i got lot of knowledge.

by FR*****

Very good

by TE*****

because inspiring me

by SY*****

Yeahh,very intersted for me , i learn from this to course .

by CL*****

Yeahh,very intersted for me , i learn from this to course .

by CL*****

Its good

by ER*****

good for beginners and suitable enough for me

by JU*****

yaa, it's was good for me for thr course of english :)

by RI*****

Yes, it helps me to improve my english

by AX*****


by HA*****

The course is good.

by KI*****

Yess, it was great.

by AL*****

semuanya sangat bagus saya sangat kagum

by AN*****

very good

by OL*****

penyampaian materi mudah dipahami

by NA*****

yes kinda

by NI*****


by ME*****


by MU*****


by EM*****


by MU*****


by KE*****

This course reasonable for my studying

by MU*****

by MU*****

This course help me on my english

by GI*****

It was good

by JA*****

Its already good and the course are nice

by JE*****

Because i am so happy while doing this exercise

by MU*****

very interesting to practice skills

by AU*****

Yes of course

by LU*****

yess, i feel this course very helpful

by FI*****

I think this is very good

by MA*****


by M.*****


by M.*****

yes it match with me

by NA*****

yes its good

by GH*****

this is awesome

by DI*****


by AQ*****


by FA*****

Yes, this course is very suitable, because it provides English courses that we don't understand.

by MO*****

Yes it was a good experience, learning from Ms.Rifa :>>

by MA*****

yes I really like to learn this course

by JU*****

The course is too hard

by JE*****

taking this course is very necessary

by MU*****

i think its good

by ZH*****

Yes of course

by DW*****


by HE*****

I rated this because I thought that I had put some effort into understanding this material. Hopefully I can learn from my mistakes and hope to be even better in the future. Thank You

by MA*****


by DA*****

i think match for me because i can increase my intelligent in english

by ZH*****


by RI*****


by RI*****


by CL*****

yes, it was match for me

by MI*****


by NE*****


by SA*****


by SA*****

good experience

by SA*****

learn English with Ms. Rifa really help me to practice part of my speech

by MA*****

good course

by MU*****

This course is perfect for me personally because it will increase my knowledge

by SA*****

This course is perfect for me personally because it will increase my knowledge

by SA*****


by QU*****


by ST*****

by NA*****

thankyou for the knowledge

by FA*****

not bad

by IM*****

not bad

by IM*****


by NI*****

good, what i expected

by SY*****


by MU*****


by MA*****

by JO*****

Yes it is

by MU*****

This course adds to my insight and knowledge, I can also repeat what I have learned before

by AN*****

this course was match for me

by AN*****

Yes, its good and helpful

by BR*****

I find this very helpful. Because to determine verbs 1, 2, and 3 I'm still confused.

by MA*****

This experience help me to improve my english skill

by MI*****

yes ofcourse

by JU*****


by JA*****

i was confused about this course

by BA*****


by RI*****

this course is good but quite challenging especially the last quiz.

by NU*****


by CI*****


by HE*****


by IV*****


by SH*****

enough for me

by AN*****

Yes, it was good

by CL*****

i got a lot of knwoledge

by DA*****


by NA*****


by KA*****


by JA*****

After I watch and finish the assignments, I feel like I escalated my english grammar knowledge

by CY*****

After I watch and finish the assignments, I feel like I escalated my english grammar knowledge

by CY*****

by IV*****

very understable

by AN*****

Is ok,but im difficulty little

by AL*****

very good

by LE*****

its good for me

by KY*****

too much videos

by AN*****

sangat menyenangkan dan saya semakin siap menjalankan perkuliahan selanjutnya

by TO*****

very enjoyable and I'm getting ready to run the next lecture

by TO*****

Good and match for me

by RI*****

Good and match for me

by RI*****


by AL*****

the course really helped me in emproving my english, and it suits me

by DE*****

this was good for me because the detail explanation

by BR*****

the quiz is easy to understand, yes good enough for me

by VA*****

the quiz is easy to understand, yes good enough for me

by VA*****

some questions needs correction

by IR*****

yes it was

by AR*****


by FE*****

yes because i know english and learn english very well. and then this course have video, so that help me for understanding myself for study.

by JA*****

Yes, of course

by RA*****

Ini sangat membantu dalam memperdalam bahasa inggris kita dalam sehari hari

by MU*****

this a good match for me because this course very excited

by SU*****


by HE*****

Easy to understand the course

by MU*****

This good

by MU*****

Yes, this course can help me to increase my knowledge of English

by VA*****

description assignment not clear

by FA*****

this is match for me, i was an a beginner for studying english language, in this course was so helped me for studying

by TU*****

maybe you can use more fun content for better experience taking this course

by KE*****

all match

by JO*****

very good to learing

by GA*****


by ER*****


by ER*****

It is a good match

by AD*****

This course makes me easy to improve my english

by AL*****


by TE*****

yeah, it was a good match for me

by PA*****

yes it a good

by AN*****


by QU*****

this course is great

by AR*****

masih b aja

by UM*****

Yes, it was a good match for me because it really improved my english speaking abilities.

by LI*****

My experience do this course is amazing.

by MI*****

too many course

by AM*****


by NA*****


by CO*****


by YO*****

thank you

by SH*****


by RA*****


by MU*****


by MU*****

yes because this is very beneficial for students and everyone

by JE*****

there's some grammatical errors in and typos in the questions, hopefully you can fix it.

by VA*****


by DE*****


by AL*****


by ER*****


by RI*****

Yes is a hood match for me

by AK*****

biasa aja

by AL*****

Very Good

by MU*****


by AH*****


by AH*****


by GR*****

i think this course make me better than before i learn this course

by RA*****

This course is very good and easy to do

by NA*****


by DA*****


by PA*****


by RO*****

not bad

by SY*****


by DI*****

this great for learning and remember what you studi at school

by MA*****


by PI*****

of the many materials that I learned through the videos provided, all of them were very useful and really helped my understanding of English even though I didn't understand everything. thanks

by SI*****

not bad

by TH*****

not bad

by TH*****

Yes its good

by FA*****


by YE*****


by VE*****


by VI*****


by AD*****

i am very exicited for having this quiz. makasih buk

by FA*****

its good!

by RI*****

cocok,dikarenakan tidak terlalu sulit memahaminya

by SY*****

its a good for make feel a good experience

by MO*****

its a good match

by RE*****


by FI*****


by RO*****

its so helping me to learn

by AI*****


by NA*****

Some of the answers were pretty weird and wrong

by MI*****


by JO*****

i feel good

by I*****


by I*****

yes of course

by JU*****


by JO*****

Good enough

by MU*****

yes it was a good match for me

by SI*****


by SI*****

Yes, add new insights

by MU*****

its very easy to understand

by NI*****

course ini sangat memudahkan saya untuk lebih dapat memperdalam kosa kata

by TA*****


by VI*****


by CL*****

This is a good course for the beginner

by CA*****


by CA*****


by CA*****


by CA*****

very nice for me

by WI*****


by ST*****

Yes, because it was improving my skills and knowledge by reading, understanding, writing, and speaking fluently in English.

by AL*****

very helpful

by ZA*****

very helpful

by ZA*****


by KE*****


by SI*****

its good

by AN*****

Great Work

by CY*****

Great Work

by CY*****


by CY*****


by MO*****


by MO*****


by RI*****

its look very good for basic english skill

by HA*****

ITS all match

by ST*****

Very good, really enjoy the course. Thank you for the experience

by AL*****

It was well done

by MI*****

My own Personal experience at taking this course it was a definetly a good match for me was it was as i expected

by MI*****

The teacher is very good to give a material

by MA*****


by MU*****

not too, but i I can study this course

by GH*****

because i was able to understand the materials and the quizzes are about what i expected

by KI*****

is very good for my experience

by SU*****


by SE*****


by SE*****

yes it was a good experience, i got a lot of knowledge

by CL*****

Too Wasting time

by NA*****

This course is really fun

by ET*****


by RU*****


by SU*****

i think that will be good match for me

by ZA*****

very good

by CU*****

very good

by CU*****


by FA*****


by FA*****


by DE*****

Caranya yang unik untuk mengajar bahasa inggris

by KH*****

Mostly good

by MO*****

Mostly good

by MO*****


by FA*****


by RI*****

all is good

by RI*****

this course was good for practice

by MA*****

it was good, but it would be better if the speaker's voice was made louder than the music.

by FA*****

by ST*****

i never learn english before, cuz i think that so hard but at the begining that was so interesting and i feel like playing a game than learn like in my junior highschool

by RE*****

It was fine

by IR*****


by RI*****

Ya sangat cocok

by SE*****

Ya sangat cocok

by SE*****

Thats help me

by AL*****


by AK*****


by RI*****

by FR*****


by DE*****

Yes it was a good match for me

by KI*****

Yes, it certainly helped me recall everything I need to know in basic English.

by AN*****

menjadi lebih paham dan mengerti kembali, dan mengingat lagi

by AN*****


by PU*****

the material is good for me

by MU*****


by XU*****


by KR*****


by SY*****

its a good match for me

by JE*****

so excited

by AZ*****

its good i like it

by MU*****

very easy to understand

by KI*****

yes, it is

by SY*****


by EV*****

very good

by MA*****

It was quite good

by FA*****

yes, it is good match for me

by SY*****


by DI*****


by AN*****

very pleasant

by PU*****

some questions doesn't have a proper instruction

by I*****


by JO*****

very interesting

by JE*****

that's good

by NA*****


by AL*****


by GA*****

yes it was

by MU*****

pertama kali seru, cukup cocok

by NE*****


by RY*****

good because it helps learn english

by RA*****

its very meaningful

by FE*****

that are some questionable quiz

by AC*****


by RA*****

Bagus dan seru

by VA*****

it's good coures for student that have a bad english

by VI*****


by FE*****


by VI*****


by RI*****

cocok nikmat untuk diikuti

by AL*****

is a good match for me

by RI*****

overall was good

by PR*****


by MU*****

is good for lur experience

by YO*****

it is a good match for me

by JU*****

Yes, through this course I increased my knowledge of English

by GI*****

according to my experience, this can further increase my knowledge

by SE*****


by SH*****


by MA*****


by RE*****


by IF*****

that was good

by LO*****

so much Amazing expectations

by MU*****


by NA*****

Taking the English course at Beelingua BINUS has been a transformative experience for me. From the outset, I found the course to be a perfect match for my learning goals and style. The instructors are

by AH*****

well good

by NI*****


by MO*****


by DI*****


by EL*****


by RI*****

the quizz wass quite challenging for mee because there is some trick questionss, but overall it's funn

by KE*****

Taking this course was a valuable experience for me. I feel that this course suits my needs because, to be honest, I still don't understand the correct use of English.

by HO*****

Feeling helped and gaining knowledge.

by HI*****

very good and easy to understand

by II*****

i think the course is good enough and easy to understood

by CA*****


by HU*****

this couser is ver good and also help me learn english

by AI*****


by LI*****

Yes, i was

by DH*****


by MU*****

im so good

by AR*****


by HE*****


by AS*****


by AB*****


by MA*****


by GH*****


by Ga*****


by NA*****

very easy to understand

by FE*****


by HA*****

This course is suitable for me who wants to learn English. However, there are some parts of this course that have bugs that need to be fixed and improved.

by AM*****

It's good

by LU*****


by MU*****


by RA*****


by MU*****

yes its good

by JO*****


by DA*****


by TA*****


by RA*****


by YU*****

looks so simple and responsive

by AL*****

itz amazing

by LU*****

Good course

by AN*****


by AN*****


by FL*****


by MU*****


by NA*****


by DA*****

yeah it was good for me

by MO*****

good to improve my grammar

by NI*****


by MA*****


by MA*****

in my opinion this course helped me alot because because my english is still in practice

by VI*****

yes good

by CY*****


by ZA*****

it's a good course

by FI*****