Not really
by DI*****
by YU*****
Very clear and straightforward explanations are easy to understand and very helpful for those who do not understand the material.
by NA*****
This was an amazing trips for us student to make a progress. Belajar dari pembelajaran kelas tidaklah cukup, namun belajar dari video interaktif dan banyak latian soal membuat kita berkembang.
by IV*****
it's very helpful especially the quiz, because it makes me learn and exercise more
by PU*****
Overall I enjoyed the course. I liked that everything was straight forward. There never was any confusion on assignments, which is always a plus with online courses.
by DE*****
Menurut saya sudah cukup baik, namun masih terdapat beberapa materi yang masih kurang jelas.
by NA*****
by JO*****
by RE*****
by RE*****
the course gave me so many lessons, I hope it will improve my knowledge
by CY*****
I love how the lecturer explained the materials of calculus 1, it's easy to learn. Unfortunately, I am a little bit confused about Integral quiz number 2, I think the question is quite unclear
by IS*****
it is good
by MI*****
it is a good lessons
by MI*****
it is a good lessons
by MI*****
good and challenging
by MI*****
Yes, I think this course is helpful
by EN*****
presentation wise its not interesting, learned more from you tube
by CR*****
It was a good match for me because it was suggested by my Calculus' lecturer. Its just that i wished that there's a full explanation of the asnwers that i did get wrong when i got the correct one
by WI*****
I like the last quiz.
by MO*****
sangat menarik
by WI*****
It is helpful to increase knowledge in a cool way
by DA*****
yes, the materials was explained very carefully and to the details. i can easily understand the key points. very good
by JO*****
very good
by BR*****
by IM*****
This course really help me to learn about calculus. Thsi course is useful when you want to learn again what you didn't understand yet and want to learn from lecture
by KA*****
Yes, it was good
by CH*****
its good
by GR*****
It was good to study
by OL*****
I think this quiz is good for testing my knowledge
by TE*****
by ER*****
good, explanation could be more precise and not fully based on ppt text
by WI*****
by CH*****
Yes, it is easy to understand and provided materials needed
by WI*****
by FE*****
great explanations!
by ED*****
yes, its nice
by DE*****
penjelasan baik
by SH*****
by AS*****
sangat membantu dalam mempelajari materi dan proses pembelajaran kalkulus
by TI*****
Sangat sangat membantu dalam proses pembelajaran calculus
by YE*****
sangat membantu
by JO*****
Memberikan materi tambahan untuk menunjang perkuliahan
by CA*****
it was a good match for me
by NO*****
It's a good match
by PU*****
Sangat baik dan bagus untuk pembelajaran
by SH*****
good, but i cannot open the video, its error, so i just fill the quiz only
by JE*****
by RI*****
by CE*****
by MA*****
by EX*****
by NA*****
Yes, all good. The lecture explained about the lesson first, then give us assignment and quiz to do. And there are so many books/modules to help us understand the lesson.
by NA*****
Personally, it was a great experience taking this calculus course because it helped me to understand more about the material. The providing quiz also encouraged me to learn more serious.
by JU*****
it's a nice match
by KE*****
Yes, this is match for me because I have to learn this course for my final exam
by JE*****
by CH*****
by AR*****
baik dan informasi yang diberikan menarik
by IR*****
by BE*****
Very Good
by FE*****
by BA*****
Very Good
by EN*****
Too much numbers.
by NI*****
Materi dengen bantuan video memberi kemudahan dalam memahami belajar kami terutama terdapat animasinya
by MA*****
Yes, very informative and satisfying
by FL*****
Very good
by GA*****
by RA*****
easy to use
by DA*****
it's good enough
by AM*****
make me understand
by RI*****
The checklist validation for task completion sometimes not working as intended, quiz is too basic.
by WI*****
by FI*****
Quite Well
by NI*****
by PA*****
sangat membantu
by ST*****
Sangat bagus, menyediakan video pembelajaran dan latihannya dengan baik
by WI*****
ya, course ini membantu saya dalam pembelajaran.
by AG*****
Yes, this course was a good course to help understand the material better
by JE*****
Good for me. Very good for learning and practicing
by KE*****
It was a good match, the videos explained the materials clearly
by HE*****
by CH*****
it was a good way to improve my knowledge of calculus
by HA*****
Seharusnya diberi pembahasan
by SH*****
by YE*****
akan lebih baik jika latihan soal lebih variatif dan diberikan pembahasannya. forum diskusi agak sulit untuk digunakan karena pertanyaannya tidak terlihat di halaman utama.
by KA*****
by RI*****
Mengikuti kursus kalkulus ini adalah pengalaman yang sangat bermanfaat bagi saya. Kursus ini membantu saya memahami konsep-konsep dasar dan aplikasinya.
by JA*****
Bahan-bahan yang diberikan sangat mudah dipahami dan menunjang pemahaman saya mengenai materi kalkulus
by CA*****
Very helpfull for my calculus class.
by IY*****
yes, made me understand more about the calculations of this world
by NA*****
Cooll, keren
by IV*****
by Mu*****
by MI*****
Materi mudah dimengerti dan quiz dapat di kerjakan dengan santai
by AL*****
that's good
by CH*****
Great innovation of learning methods for students. The materials will surely benefits students who needs it. But i feel like i would love to have more question of the materials for support my undrstdg
by VI*****
by FI*****
Sangat baik dan menarik
by FR*****
yes it's more like a fun math games
by ST*****
by TH*****
good, yes
by VI*****
by NI*****
is not really useful for me, i learned more in class and the exercise is not challenging
by YO*****
It was quite a good match for me.
by NI*****
edukatif, namun bisa dikemas dengan lebih menarik
by KE*****
by EV*****
Overall, this MOOC was a good match for my learning style, offering a challenging yet rewarding experience that deepened my understanding of calculus and its applications.
by MI*****
Veryy good and can help student to learn effectively
by JE*****
Lumayan cuma baca ppt sama pdf
by MO*****
Topics are explained thoroughly and easy to understand.
by CH*****
Sangat bermanfaat dan ilmu yang sangat baik untuk pembelajaran
by RO*****
This course is fun and very informative in delivering the material.
by PR*****
Dalam MOOC ini bisa belajar mandiri lebih baik.
by JA*****
its compatible with y learning style there have a video and presentation, makes me more easier to understand
by TI*****
it was great, i get to learn according to how i want to learn
by AR*****
by MU*****
by MA*****
Good but minor fix on quiz might be needed
by AN*****
by MU*****
Was a good one, explain everything tells me in detail and very guided.
by GA*****
by JO*****
its a good course for me
by DZ*****
by AR*****
it was good for practice
by AR*****
by IG*****
by RO*****
this course teaches me about the basics of calculus
by KE*****
by MI*****
Soal quiz sesuai.
by RU*****
the ppt and pdf content is just the exact same on what the lectures teach on class so I think it's good as a "re-learning" tool
by AL*****
clear explanation
by IV*****
by FA*****
good, but make it more fun, is better
by WI*****
yes it is
by RA*****
by ST*****
Increase broad insight
by AS*****
Alhamdulillah this course is so much benefit for me
by MU*****
by M*****
It was very hard i was so struggle in integral
by ST*****
Not really
by DI*****Enough
by YU*****Very clear and straightforward explanations are easy to understand and very helpful for those who do not understand the material.
by NA*****This was an amazing trips for us student to make a progress. Belajar dari pembelajaran kelas tidaklah cukup, namun belajar dari video interaktif dan banyak latian soal membuat kita berkembang.
by IV*****it's very helpful especially the quiz, because it makes me learn and exercise more
by PU*****Overall I enjoyed the course. I liked that everything was straight forward. There never was any confusion on assignments, which is always a plus with online courses.
by DE*****Menurut saya sudah cukup baik, namun masih terdapat beberapa materi yang masih kurang jelas.
by NA*****Yes
by JO*****Yes
by RE*****Yed
by RE*****the course gave me so many lessons, I hope it will improve my knowledge
by CY*****I love how the lecturer explained the materials of calculus 1, it's easy to learn. Unfortunately, I am a little bit confused about Integral quiz number 2, I think the question is quite unclear
by IS*****it is good
by MI*****it is a good lessons
by MI*****it is a good lessons
by MI*****good and challenging
by MI*****Yes, I think this course is helpful
by EN*****presentation wise its not interesting, learned more from you tube
by CR*****It was a good match for me because it was suggested by my Calculus' lecturer. Its just that i wished that there's a full explanation of the asnwers that i did get wrong when i got the correct one
by WI*****I like the last quiz.
by MO*****sangat menarik
by WI*****It is helpful to increase knowledge in a cool way
by DA*****yes, the materials was explained very carefully and to the details. i can easily understand the key points. very good
by JO*****very good
by BR*****Yes
by IM*****This course really help me to learn about calculus. Thsi course is useful when you want to learn again what you didn't understand yet and want to learn from lecture
by KA*****Yes, it was good
by CH*****its good
by GR*****It was good to study
by OL*****I think this quiz is good for testing my knowledge
by TE*****yes
by ER*****good, explanation could be more precise and not fully based on ppt text
by WI*****yess
by CH*****Yes, it is easy to understand and provided materials needed
by WI*****Nice
by FE*****great explanations!
by ED*****yes, its nice
by DE*****penjelasan baik
by SH*****-
by AS*****sangat membantu dalam mempelajari materi dan proses pembelajaran kalkulus
by TI*****Sangat sangat membantu dalam proses pembelajaran calculus
by YE*****sangat membantu
by JO*****Memberikan materi tambahan untuk menunjang perkuliahan
by CA*****it was a good match for me
by NO*****It's a good match
by PU*****Sangat baik dan bagus untuk pembelajaran
by SH*****good, but i cannot open the video, its error, so i just fill the quiz only
by JE*****yess
by RI*****-
by CE*****bolela
by MA*****-
by EX*****good
by NA*****Yes, all good. The lecture explained about the lesson first, then give us assignment and quiz to do. And there are so many books/modules to help us understand the lesson.
by NA*****Personally, it was a great experience taking this calculus course because it helped me to understand more about the material. The providing quiz also encouraged me to learn more serious.
by JU*****it's a nice match
by KE*****Yes, this is match for me because I have to learn this course for my final exam
by JE*****-
by CH*****good
by AR*****baik dan informasi yang diberikan menarik
by IR*****-
by BE*****Very Good
by FE*****good
by BA*****Very Good
by EN*****Too much numbers.
by NI*****Materi dengen bantuan video memberi kemudahan dalam memahami belajar kami terutama terdapat animasinya
by MA*****Yes, very informative and satisfying
by FL*****Very good
by GA*****nice
by RA*****easy to use
by DA*****it's good enough
by AM*****make me understand
by RI*****The checklist validation for task completion sometimes not working as intended, quiz is too basic.
by WI*****Good
by FI*****Quite Well
by NI*****good
by PA*****sangat membantu
by ST*****Sangat bagus, menyediakan video pembelajaran dan latihannya dengan baik
by WI*****ya, course ini membantu saya dalam pembelajaran.
by AG*****Yes, this course was a good course to help understand the material better
by JE*****Good for me. Very good for learning and practicing
by KE*****It was a good match, the videos explained the materials clearly
by HE*****good
by CH*****it was a good way to improve my knowledge of calculus
by HA*****Seharusnya diberi pembahasan
by SH*****no
by YE*****akan lebih baik jika latihan soal lebih variatif dan diberikan pembahasannya. forum diskusi agak sulit untuk digunakan karena pertanyaannya tidak terlihat di halaman utama.
by KA*****goood
by RI*****Mengikuti kursus kalkulus ini adalah pengalaman yang sangat bermanfaat bagi saya. Kursus ini membantu saya memahami konsep-konsep dasar dan aplikasinya.
by JA*****Bahan-bahan yang diberikan sangat mudah dipahami dan menunjang pemahaman saya mengenai materi kalkulus
by CA*****Very helpfull for my calculus class.
by IY*****yes, made me understand more about the calculations of this world
by NA*****Cooll, keren
by IV*****Good
by Mu*****-
by MI*****Materi mudah dimengerti dan quiz dapat di kerjakan dengan santai
by AL*****that's good
by CH*****Great innovation of learning methods for students. The materials will surely benefits students who needs it. But i feel like i would love to have more question of the materials for support my undrstdg
by VI*****good
by FI*****Sangat baik dan menarik
by FR*****yes it's more like a fun math games
by ST*****Yes
by TH*****good, yes
by VI*****amazing
by NI*****is not really useful for me, i learned more in class and the exercise is not challenging
by YO*****It was quite a good match for me.
by NI*****edukatif, namun bisa dikemas dengan lebih menarik
by KE*****-
by EV*****Overall, this MOOC was a good match for my learning style, offering a challenging yet rewarding experience that deepened my understanding of calculus and its applications.
by MI*****Veryy good and can help student to learn effectively
by JE*****Lumayan cuma baca ppt sama pdf
by MO*****Topics are explained thoroughly and easy to understand.
by CH*****Sangat bermanfaat dan ilmu yang sangat baik untuk pembelajaran
by RO*****This course is fun and very informative in delivering the material.
by PR*****Dalam MOOC ini bisa belajar mandiri lebih baik.
by JA*****its compatible with y learning style there have a video and presentation, makes me more easier to understand
by TI*****it was great, i get to learn according to how i want to learn
by AR*****iya
by MU*****by MA*****
Good but minor fix on quiz might be needed
by AN*****-
by MU*****Was a good one, explain everything tells me in detail and very guided.
by GA*****-
by JO*****its a good course for me
by DZ*****...
by AR*****it was good for practice
by AR*****-
by IG*****Good
by RO*****this course teaches me about the basics of calculus
by KE*****-
by MI*****Soal quiz sesuai.
by RU*****the ppt and pdf content is just the exact same on what the lectures teach on class so I think it's good as a "re-learning" tool
by AL*****clear explanation
by IV*****Yes
by FA*****good, but make it more fun, is better
by WI*****yes it is
by RA*****Yes
by ST*****Increase broad insight
by AS*****Alhamdulillah this course is so much benefit for me
by MU*****.
by M*****It was very hard i was so struggle in integral
by ST*****