About this course
Pengumpulan Freshmen Project Plan
What you will learn
Nothing is here... yet!
Hai Binusian,
Kami harap kamu selalu dalam keadaan sehat.
Jawablah beberapa pertanyaan di bawah ini yang berkaitan dengan Freshmen Project. Cukup ketua kelompok yang perlu mengisi courses ini. Pastikan kamu menuliskan informasi identitas diri dan anggota kelompokmu dengan benar.
Kami harap kamu selalu dalam keadaan sehat.
Jawablah beberapa pertanyaan di bawah ini yang berkaitan dengan Freshmen Project. Cukup ketua kelompok yang perlu mengisi courses ini. Pastikan kamu menuliskan informasi identitas diri dan anggota kelompokmu dengan benar.
Siapkan final project kamu, dan upload sekarang juga!
Sukses ya.
Hi Binusian,
We hope you are always in good health.
We ask you to answer some of the questions below regarding Freshmen Project. Only the group leader needs to fill in these courses. Make sure you write down the identity information for yourself and your group members correctly.
Prepare your final project, and upload it now!
We hope you are always in good health.
We ask you to answer some of the questions below regarding Freshmen Project. Only the group leader needs to fill in these courses. Make sure you write down the identity information for yourself and your group members correctly.
Prepare your final project, and upload it now!
Good luck.
Meet your instructors
To be announced
Course Information
Go to courseStart Date
08 May 2023
End Date
17 May 2023
Self Learning
Enrolled Students
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No review yet