About this course

This self-learning course is arranged in particular to develop the knowledge and skills of Binusian Talents in giving presentations.

By the end of the learning session,  Talent is expected to be able to:

  1. Identify how to create a basic program to help prepare your presentation;
  2. Discuss different types of delivery methods;
  3. Outline effective verbal communication skills;
  4. Recognize the importance of non-verbal communication skills;
  5. Describe how to overcome nervousness when delivering a presentation;
  6. Recognize strategies for creating compelling presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint

What you will learn

This self-learning is externally sourced from WORKFORCE ACADEMY PARTNERSHIP, made available by ALISON.

This course consists of:

  1. Eleven [11] modules, each is divided into two or three [2 or 3] activities, including: Topic explored through short video (3-4 mins.), implementation (videp demo), and a review quiz.
  2. One [1] final course assessment.

At the end of each assessment, please have the result sent to your email address.

The results (PDFs) are to be submitted to the respective "Assessment" sections on CX.


Pembelajaran mandiri ini menggunakan materi eksternal yang disusun oleh WORKFORCE ACADEMY PARTNERSHIP yang tersedia di platform ALISON.

Materi pembelajaran ini terdiri atas:

  1. Sebelas [11] topik, terbagi menjadi dua hingga tiga [2 s.d. 3] kegiatan, meliputi: topik yang dipelajari melalui video singkat (3-4 menit), demo implementasi melalui video, dan kuis.
  2. Satu [1] asesmen akhir.

These are the links to the eleven [11] modules.

Each module will cover different topics with quizzes available for your practice. At the end of each module, there will be a quiz that covers the whole content of the module.

To be able to proceed to the next module, you must finish the quiz and pass the minimum score of 80%; otherwise, you will need to review the topic and retake the quiz until you meet the minimum score.


Berikut adalah tautan untuk mengakses 11 modul materi PRESENTATION SKILLS.

Setiap modul mencakup beberapa topik dengan beragam latihan kuis. Pada setiap akhir modul, akan ada satu kuis yang mencakup seluruh konten modul.

Untuk dapat melanjutkan ke modul berikutnya, peserta harus menyelesaikan kuis dan mendapatkan nilai minimum 80%; apabila hasil belum sesuai nilai minimum, silakan mempelajari topik dan menyelesaikan kuis kembali hingga mendapat nilai yang sesuai.

Below is the link to the Final Assessment.

The Final Assessment has a passing grade of  80%.

Please upload the screenshot of your assessment result showing the score clearly.


Di bawah ini adalah tautan untuk Final Assessment-mu.

Ambang batas nilai Final Assessment-mu adalah 80%.

Unggah screenshot hasil asesmenmu yang memperlihatkan skor secara jelas.


Meet your instructors


Ahmad Fikron Maulida

Student Achievement
Picture of Ahmad Fikron Maulida

Course Information

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Start Date

06 February 2024

End Date





Self Learning



Enrolled Students





No review yet