About this course

Through this material, Freshmen will get information about learning system in BINUS University: registration, learning process, and examination. With this material, Freshmen expected to know and understand about the learning system that will support them in their study.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Freshmen understand the lecture system (registration, classes, and tests) at BINUS University.
  2. Freshmen understand the implementation of BINUS University classes at each campus area. 
  3. Freshmen understand the lecture supporting facilities (application and center) at each campus area. 
  4. Freshmen complete their student profiles according to the needs of BINUS and PDPT.

What you will learn

In this session Freshmen will get information about general information and the registration process in BINUS University: Package vs KRS, Tuition Fee Schedule, Leave Application Procedure, Re-active Procedure, CODY-your Assistant, and Contact Center. 

In this session Freshmen will get information about grading system in BINUS University: grading criteria, grading information, count semester GPA and Cumulative GPA, and graduation requirements.

In this session, Freshmen will get information about the lecturing process: learning class preparations, academic calendar, class schedule, class delivery method, final exam eligibility regulations, practicum lab, and compact semester. Besides, Freshmen also get information about exam procedures: exam preparation, exam administration requirements, BINUSMAYA vs Web Exam, online & onsite regulations, exam dispensation, and application overview.

Nothing is here... yet!

In this session Freshmen will know about the lecture supporting facilities (application and center) at each campus area.

In this session Freshmen will know and complete their student profiles according to the needs of BINUS and PDPT.

Meet your instructors


To be announced

Course Information

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Start Date

18 July 2022

End Date

31 December 2023




University Course


100 minutes

Enrolled Students





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